OR Conversations Bring Enlightenment and A Clamor for More

By Malu de Guzman U (malu_de_guzman@yahoo.com)

After a series of forums on special OR topics, the September 8 Operations Research Society of the Philippines Technical Forum (https://orsp.org.ph/september-2021-online-technical-forum-or-conversations/) was a trip back to the basics. It was an afternoon of learning and sharing for 131 operations research students, teachers, and industry professionals.  Even for an online event, participant enthusiasm was palpable. Presentations by invited speakers were followed by unprecedented breakout room discussions, a new feature of the technical series.  This offered all participants an opportunity to interact and share experiences, making this webinar truly live up to its name, “OR Conversations”.

Elise del Rosario provides a brief backgrounder of OR.

Hosted by ORSP Director Juanito Chan, the webinar was opened formally by ORSP President Marie Shella Tan-Mariscal.  Elise del Rosario, past president of the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS) and founding member of ORSP, then opened the afternoon sessions with “OR: An Express Overview”.  She packed her presentation with many real-life applications she encountered as OR manager in San Miguel and beyond.  She brought to light basic OR tools within Waze, Google Maps, Amazon, vehicle routing and ride-hailing apps, and a glimpse of their mathematical formulations. She covered a wide range of applications covering supply chain, optimal restocking of ATMs, marketing in the age of TV ads and social media, as well as COVID-19 vaccine deployment and health care capacity estimation. Her concluding synthesis for the whole presentation provided a concise working definition of operations research as “the application of analytical methods to help in decision-making.”

Martha Tan tackles The Practice of OR through an example.

The second presentation, “On the Practice of OR”, was delivered by Martha Tan and ORSP Director Dennis Beng Hui, both from the management consulting firm Technopoly, Inc. They are also both part of academe, with Martha as operations management in Ateneo de Manila University and Dennis as former chair of Department of Industrial Engineering at the De La Salle University -Manila. M. Tan energized the attendees with a series of questions on their demographics, interests, and challenges through Mentimeter. D. Beng Hui explained the differences between OR in the classroom, where everything is well-defined, versus the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity one encounters when applying OR in the real world. He emphasized that in applying OR in the real world, focus is not so much on tools and techniques, but rather, on fully understanding the problem, employing systems thinking to spell out the goals not of the different compartments but of the entire organization. M. Tan then discussed a project with PhilSys to improve the systems involved in the national ID registration of 70 million Filipinos in 2021. She touched on the intricacies of the project such as dealing with data and generating evidence-based insights, subject to a demanding time frame in which to deliver results.

Dennis Beng Hui cites the challenges faced by OR practitioners in the current milieu.

The last speaker, Alleli Ester Domingo, presented “On the Teaching of OR.” She shared a wealth of experience since starting her teaching career in 1978. As a teacher of different OR subjects at the University of the Philippines Los Baños Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics, she discussed how teaching has evolved through the years from merely delivering instruction to facilitating learning, and how a teacher must always focus on how students learn best. Her alumni students’ stories were inspiring to hear, especially the nonstellar ones and those who started out with little or no interest. From her classes, they grew to appreciate OR and learned not just tools of OR but also tools for success. Truly deserving each and every one of her teaching awards, A. Domingo quoted Christa McAuliffe, “I touch the future, I teach”. She ended with a quote from Amanda Gorman, “… that we’ll forever be tied together, victorious”, no doubt inspiring teacher and student participants, especially amidst the difficult online learning environment.

Alleli Domingo shared valuable tips with teachers of OR.

At the end of the three presentations, participants were assigned to several breakout rooms, each having a facilitator and a mix of students, teachers, and industry professionals. Prior to the event, participants responded to some discussion points, such as teaching and learning methods, important OR tools, necessary skills for an OR consultant, among others. Several student attendees were curious about applications, how it differs from business analytics, how best to make classroom learning more practical. Although time was short, attendees overwhelmingly appreciated this opportunity and have requested longer discussions in future events. An open forum followed where questions collected from the Padlet wall were raised by ORSP director Nestley Sore and answered by the speakers. The webinar closed with a wrap up by ORSP director Malu de Guzman U. Winners of the raffle prizes were informed after the

Everyone rated the webinar and the speakers, excellent, only wishing that there had been more time for the breakout and Q&A with the speakers. They left the webinar encouraged and energized, realizing yet again that OR functions amidst the complexities of the modern world, and plays a crucial role in supporting decision-making. Whether it is clearly presented or hidden underneath many layers and varying sectors within an organization, or within software tools embedded in apps, OR always tries to make systems more efficient, and, in so doing, improves lives.

Business Analytics and Systems Thinking (BAST) Webinar

Date: October 2, 2021, Saturday / 3:00 – 4:30 PM

About the Webinar

The time to develop new approaches to corporate leadership is now. Digital Transformation will shape organizations to take on the challenges of the new normal.

Business Analytics is a call to develop a data-driven mindset in the management of a corporate enterprise using descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytical models.

Embrace Systems Thinking, a practical approach to corporate leadership to address complex issues affecting the achievement of strategic goals and functional objectives.

This unique paradigm will enable leaders to guide the organization to a successful future in this dynamic and uncertain global environment.


Francis Miranda
Francis is the Asia Pacific Director of Data Science and Quality at GfK. He is currently the President of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS).


Dennis Beng Hui
Dennis is the Managing Director of Technopoly, Inc., a management consulting firm. He is a former chair and faculty of Industrial Engineering at DLSU for more than 20 years.


Marc Constantino
Marc is a Senior Associate at Technopoly, Inc. He conducted trainings at Philippine Trade and Training Center on material/project management and six sigma.


September 2021 Online Technical Forum: OR Conversations

Register Now as there are limited number of participants that could be accommodated

Date: September 8, 2021 / 1:50pm to 4:30pm via ZOOM

What is OR? Will we ever get to use these tools in real life? What does the practice of OR entail? What are the best practices in teaching OR? What difficulties have students encountered in its study? What would make it more attractive and interesting to learn? What are the career opportunities for people interested in OR?

This webinar starts with an introduction to OR, and then gives practical tips on the practice and teaching of OR. The audience will be given a chance to discuss among themselves and ask questions that have crossed the minds of OR students, practitioners, and teachers.

Program Schedule

Time Session Speaker

01:50 – 02:00

Welcome Remarks

Shella Mariscal

02:00 – 02:35

OR: An Express Overview

Elise del Rosario

02:35 – 03.00

On the Practice of OR

Dennis Beng Hui and Martha Tan

03:00– 03:25

On the Teaching of OR

Alleli Ester C. Domingo

03:25 – 03:55


Breakout rooms of 10 participants with Facilitators from Academe and Practice

03:55 -04:10


Nestley Sore

04:10 – 04:30

Wrap up

Malu de Guzman U

Emcee Jed Loma
Zoom Master and Program Chair – Juanito Chan

The Speakers and Session Leaders

Elise Del Rosario
Chief Finance Officer
One Small Step Forward Foundation

Elise is past President of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). Elise was an OR analyst at the San Miguel Corporation (SMC). With her as its Manager, the OR Department garnered the 1992 Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) Prize for outstanding and ongoing use of Operations Research in organizational decision-making. She co-founded the Operations Research Society of the Philippines (ORSP).

Upon retirement as SMC Vice President, Elise did OR consulting – mainly pro-bono work with the Philippine government, in her capacity as Chairperson of the ORSP Committee on OR for Public Service (ORSP Corps). She has keynoted national conferences, published papers, and served in the editorial boards of several international OR journals. She is currently CFO of One Small Step Forward Foundation, Inc., a family foundation that helps in educating public elementary school students in Mathematics.

She obtained IE/OR degree from UP Diliman, Master in IE/Mgt from AIT Bangkok, and was an International Research Fellow at the Stanford Research Institute in California. She is an IFORS Fellow and received outstanding alumni awards from PSHS, UP and AIT.

Dennis T. Beng Hui
Managing Director
Technopoly, Inc.

Dennis is a former Chair and Faculty of Industrial Engineering at De La Salle for more than 20 years and currently the Managing Director of Technopoly, a management consulting firm. He is a six sigma master black belt, a certified Lego serious play facilitator, a certified Prosci Change Management Practitioner, and an IC Agile certified professional on business agility. He holds a BS in Industrial Management Engineering and an MS in Industrial Engineering both from DLSU Manila.

Dennis has been involved in building models for strategic and operational decision making in the areas of distribution and logistics, food service operations, and manufacturing.

Martha Tan
Senior Consultant and Engagement Manager
Technopoly, Inc.

Martha is a Senior Consultant and Engagement Manager at Technopoly Inc. Her primary field of experience is in training, coaching and managing process improvement initiatives. She is a certified Lego Serious Play facilitator and a lean six sigma black belt who ushers teams in lean management principles and DMAIC methodology. She has extensive experience in process standardization including implementing quality management systems.

Her special interests include data and analytics. With foundational understanding of statistics, modeling, and coding, she enjoys delving into data wrangling and analysis.

A graduate of Bachelor and Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from De La Salle University, she is a part time lecturer for Operations Management in Ateneo De Manila University.

Alleli Ester C. Domingo
Associate Professor
University of the Philippines – Los Baños

Alleli is Associate Professor at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics from UPLB and Master of Science in Mathematics from Melbourne University, Australia.

She received the 2004 UPLB Outstanding Teacher Award for the Physical Sciences, the 2009 College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award for Teaching, the 2011 UP System Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award in Education Innovation, the 2019 UP Los Baños Outstanding Extension Personnel Award, and the 2019 Raizalishta Foundation Tribute of Legendary Creativity in Teaching. She was an honoree of Bato Balani Foundation’s “The Many Faces of the Teacher” in 2015.

She chaired the UPLB committee on education paradigm shift, which looked into innovations for effective teaching and learning. She served as Program Development Associate in a unique endeavor of the UPLB College of Arts and Sciences to promote the fusion of science and the arts.

Malu De Guzman-U
Lecturer (on leave)

John Gokongwei School of Management
Ateneo de Manila University

Malu is a lecturer of Operations Research at the John Gokongwei School of Management, Ateneo de Manila. She also taught OR and Applied Math at the University of Asia & the Pacific, and Mathematics at UP Diliman. Her previous work in Dallas as a supply chain analyst, implementor, and trainer has brought her to different U.S. and Asia Pacific cities.

She obtained her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University where she specialized in optimization. Her dissertation entitled “Experiments with Nonlinear Discriminants in the Analysis of Fine Needle Aspirates” won First Place, 1999 Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award, given by the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) of the U.S. which recognizes the best dissertations in the field of IE across U.S. universities. She finished MS Applied Mathematics major in Operations Research at UP Diliman, and BS Mathematics at the Ateneo de Manila.

Her research interests are nonlinear optimization for breast cancer diagnosis, pattern recognition, combinatorial and heuristic optimization, and complexity.


Participants who register and pay will be given the Zoom details of the conference. All sessions will be recorded and will be made available to registered participants.
• Registration fee is waived for active ORSP MEMBERS provided they register by August 31, 2021.
Other Registration fees: Non Member/Student PhP 100


Payment may be deposited directly to BDO Account No. 00151 0028 666 under the name of Operations Research Society of the Philippines, Inc. (please do not abbreviate). Please send proof of payment with your registration form.
If you are an ORSP member, make sure your membership fees are paid for the year.
Payments may also be made by GCash to 0917 863 4196
You may choose to apply for/renew your membership to avail of the member rates.
Contact Jenny Alzate, viber +63 917 138 3653, mobile +63 927 877 5219; e-mail secretariat@orsp.org.ph for any inquiries.
Certificates of attendance shall be given upon request.




13th Triennial International Conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS)

Theme: Onward to Recovery through Operations Research 

Date: November 9-12, 2022
Venue: Eastwood Richmonde Hotel, Eastwood City, Bagumbayan, Quezon City, Philippines 1110

Eastwood Richmonde Hotel | Official Hotel Website | Hotel in Eastwood City : Eastwood Richmonde Hotel

Hosted by The Operations Research Society of the Philippines (ORSP)


While the massive negative short term impact caused by the pandemic has been widely felt, the long term impact brought about by border restrictions and lockdown measures remains uncertain. This conference will provide a forum to discuss the role that Operations Research (OR) has played or could play on the path to Asia-Pacific regional and world recovery. How has the experience affected organizational decision-making process? Has the adoption of OR techniques impacted operations and business resilience?

With the theme Onwards to Recovery through OR, the conference seeks to bring together OR researchers, academicians and practitioners, whose collective work has sustained OR contribution to decision-making and whose current work is expected to play a vital role in  surmounting challenges on the road to recovery from the global pandemic.

The APORS 13th Conference aims to provide a forum where:

• Practitioners will share their experiences on the problems, methodologies and outcomes of applying OR to solve real-world problems in Asia Pacific and beyond;
• Decision-makers will share new applications of OR in non-traditional areas;
• Researchers will present their findings dealing with the theoretical, computational, and application aspects of OR;
• OR workers will discuss pertinent academic-, theoretical- and application- oriented issues;
• Decision-makers could gain insights from experiences of others who have benefited from the use of OR in the public and private sectors in different countries; and
• Participants will be given the opportunity to exchange ideas on how OR and Analytics can help deal with issues that will contribute to economic resurgence in the different regions of Asia Pacific and beyond.
• Everyone can share unique experiences, challenges, and OR-related solutions in surviving and rising from the global pandemic.


An Invited Session consists of a presentation session of six papers on a specific topic relevant to the themes of the conference, organized as half or full day mini-conference. We invite professors and practitioners of OR who have a special interest in a specific conference topic to take responsibility for a session, gathering papers from a range of research expertise around the world.

The organizer of an invited session shall:

  • Select a topic of interest to themselves and to conference delegates.
  • Obtain four ​papers on this topic. If there are sufficient papers the session may become a workshop.
  • Ensure the papers are submitted through the APORS EasyChair online review system. Authors will just have to indicate the name of the invited session where the paper will be under.
  • Coordinate with the APORS Conference Technical Committee on the review and acceptance of all papers that will be submitted under the invited session.
  • Ensure the final versions of the publication files for the papers are uploaded onto EasyChair before the deadline.
  • Attend the conference and chair the session.

Researchers who would like to organize one or more Sessions on topics falling within the scope of the conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration to include session title, description, chair and contact details, and short CV of Chair (s).

We will be honored to have you organize and chair an invited session. Should you be willing to, please fill up the information listed in this form.


Prominent OR practitioners, academicians, and businessmen have been invited by the organizers to deliver keynote speeches. Speakers and delegates from different parts of the world will share their work in the parallel sessions.

Click here to view the Plenary Speakers and their abstracts.

Submissions of papers aligned with the Conference Theme, Onward to Recovery through OR, in the following areas are welcome: Banking and Finance, Complexity and Approximation, Control Theory, Customer Relationship Management, Decision Support Systems, Economic Modeling, Energy Applications, Expert Systems and Neural Networks, Forecasting, Healthcare, Information Systems, Inventory, Knowledge Engineering and Management, Logistics and Distribution Management, Marketing, Mathematical Programming Modeling for Optimization, Modeling Systems and Languages, Production, Project Management and Scheduling, Queuing Systems, Soft OR, Strategic Planning and Management, Supply Chain Management, and Transport. Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. Guidelines for abstract submission follow.

Abstracts must be written in English. Each attendee is allowed to present ONE paper at the

The abstract should be typed in English, should not include mathematical notations, and must
contain the following:

• Paper/proposal title;
• Abstract of not more than 500 words (no formulas or mathematical notation allowed);
• Author(s) name(s), organization, full mailing address, email address, with an indication of
author(s) presenting the paper; and
• Topic (at most three, chosen from the Conference Topics List) under which paper falls and
additional topics if not included in the list.

Email abstracts to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apors2022
Please direct all other inquiries to secretariat@orsp.org.ph


Authors are encouraged to submit extended versions of their manuscripts or their full papers to the Asia Pacific Journal of Operations Research (ISSN (print): 0217-5959 | ISSN (online): 1793-7019) (http://orss.org.sg/apjor.html).  

The paper will go through the regular review process of the journal. The APJOR Editors had been alerted to expect submissions from the APORS 2022. 

Nov 9 : City Tour / Welcome cocktails in the evening
Nov 10 -12 : Conference
Nov 11 evening : Evening Banquet
From Nov 13     :  Post Conference Optional Tours 


Submission of abstracts –EXTENDED : 1 February to 31 August 2022  
Deadline for receipt of abstracts (500 words): 31 August 2022 
Notification of acceptance : TBC 

Registration Opens : 1 April 2022 
Early bird Registration Deadline : 31 August 2022 
Speaker registration and payment deadline : 15 September 2022


The following onsite fees entitles the attendee to participation in the City Tour, Cocktails, Banquet and Conference materials. Online participants could present/ get access to all the sessions.



  1. ON SITE Local ORSP Members, click here
  2. ON SITE Local non-ORSP members, click here
  3. ON SITE Local Student participants, click here
  4. ON SITE Foreign Delegates, click here
  5. ON SITE Foreign Students, click here


  1. VIRTUAL Local ORSP Members, click here
  2. VIRTUAL Local non-ORSP members, click here
  3. VIRTUAL Local Student participants, click here
  4. VIRTUAL Foreign Delegates, click here
  5. VIRTUAL Foreign Students, click here

To apply for membership, click here.

Payment Methods

  • Bank Deposit
  • GCash Number: 0917 863 4196 (Marie Shella Mariscal)
  • If paying by credit card and means other than above, click here. Payment via this mode has a service fee of 3.5%.
  • If you are an ORSP member, make sure your membership fees are paid for the year.  

For more information and inquiries, please contact Jenny Alzate, viber No.: +63 917 138 3653, mobile +63 927 877 5219; e-mail secretariat@orsp.org.ph or visit the website www.apors.org


For those booking at Richmonde Hotel, click this link eastwoodrichmondehotel.com.ph and enter promo code APORS2022 to get the special rate. The special rates are as follows:

Room Type Single Occupancy
Superior RoomPhp 3,950.00 nett 
Deluxe Room Php 4,550.00 nett 
One Bedroom Suite Php 6,050.00 nett 

Alternative accommodation at lower rates at a venue within walking distance (15 minutes crossing a pedestrian bridge) is available at https://www.microtelacropolis.com

Please contact secretariat@orsp.org.ph for rates and reservation.  

Guide on Arrival and Quarantine Procedures

Complete info can be found here: Arriving In The Philippines (philippineairlines.com)

For US Citizens, please visit this link:
COVID-19 and Travel Information | Last Updated: August 22, 2022 – U.S. Embassy in the Philippines (usembassy.gov)

Covid 19 Protocols for Visiting the Philippines

COVID 19 Protocol for entering the Philippines is contained in  IATF 168 issued in May 2022 can be accessed in this link:   https://doh.gov.ph/sites/default/files/health-update/20220526-IATF-Resolution-168-RRD.pdf

Highlighted below are provisions that delegates may find useful.

Section A. Foreign Nationals Entering the Philippines must comply with the applicable visa requirements and immigration entry and departure formalities; and provided further they

  1. Are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as defined in Section 2 below, except only for minor children below (12) years of age travelling with their fully-vaccinated foreign parent/s;
  2. Carry/possess any of the following acceptable proof of COVID-19 vaccination, which shall be presented prior to departing/boarding from the country of origin/port of embarkation and upon arrival in the country:
  1. World Health Organization International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis;
  2. VaxCertPH;
  3. National or state manual/digital vaccination certificate of the country/foreign government;
  4. Other proof of vaccination permitted by the IATF

Fully vaccinated Filipino Nationals may enter the Philippines provided that they carry/possess an acceptable proof of vaccination, as set out in Section A (1)(b) above.

For Filipinos and Foreign Delegates: All inbound passengers, whether Filipinos or foreign nationals, shall register with the One Health Pas(https://onehealthpass.com.ph/) prior to arrival in the Philippines unless exempted under relevant IATF Resolutions.

Please read the whole  IATF document in case some provisions apply to you.

Additional information:

Wearing of masks in public places is required. Please have one on hand when you go out of the airport.

For Pre and Post Conference Tours

Discover more fun! | Department of Tourism Philippines

Upcoming Webinars

– June 2021 Webinar
Theme: Logistics in Challenging Times
Date: June 7, 2021/1:40 pm 
Speakers: Patric Ellis Uy & Gloria Estabaya
Registration Fee: P100 for Non-Members/Students

– September 2021 Webinar
Theme: Data Analytics and Data Visualization
Target Date: September 6, 2021

– November 2021 Webinar
Date: November 8, 2021
Chairs: J. Chan and J. Xu

June 2021 Online Technical Forum: Logistics in Challenging Times

Date: June 7, 2021 / 1:50 pm – 3:30 pm via Zoom
*(Zoom opens at 1:40pm; session starts at 1:50pm) 

***Registration is Closed***




Patric Ellis Chua Uy
Divisional Manager 
Distribution Center Services – Division 2 (DCS2) 
LF Philippines Inc. (LF Logistics)



Logistics:  Evolving with Supply Chain Challenges


 The outbreak of the global pandemic disrupted most of the assumptions behind supply chain and logistics models.  Innovations and adjustments are called for during these challenging times. The speaker will share insights from the lens of a 3rd party logistics provider on how innovative tools and solutions help cope with business requirements amid accelerating changes in market behavior. Embracing digitalization and maximizing use of technology and analytics bring people closer to the future of supply chain.

About the Speaker:

Patric Uy is currently a Division Manager for Operations at LF Logistics; managing three of LF Philippines’ Main Distribution Centers situated in Libis Quezon City, Pasig City, and Marikina City. He leads an organization with over 400+ personnel that renders B2B and B2C warehouse distribution services for leading multinational brands, covering wide array of verticals from Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Footwear & Apparel (F&A), Food & Beverage (F&B), Wines & Spirits (W&S), and Healthcare & Wellness (H&W) companies. Alongside his operations management responsibilities, he is also an internationally Certified Professional Manager (CPM) and Certified Lean Sigma Black Belt (LSBB) practitioner, who champions the roll out of Continuous Improvement and Lean Six Sigma methodologies across the entire company. Prior to his current role, he acquired specializations on 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) operations; with concentrations on Systems Solutions Design, and Supply Chain Analytics throughout his stint with LF Logistics.

He earned his bachelor’s degree in Industrial Management Engineering with a Minor in Information Technology at De La Salle University Manila and graduated with Honorable Mention in 2016. He is also one of the five College of Engineering graduates that received the Eduardo Cojuangco Jr Award for Leadership and Research Innovation.



Gloria Estabaya
National Operations Head
San Miguel Integrated Logistics Services Inc.



Value of Digitization in the Supply Chain and the Role of Logistics in Surviving Covid-19


Logistics can make or break the promise of digital marketing, on line shopping and even the current brick and mortar shopping experience. Rising to the digitization challenge in transportation and logistics opens big opportunities in optimizing processes and capturing real time information to enhance transparency and increase customer orders. In the current environment, where less people go out to buy their needs and more people do on line shopping due to the hassles of COVID19 scare and health protocols, logistics thrives to co-exist with the virus.

About the Speaker:

Yayo, as she is more known, is a graduate of Industrial Engineering from Saint Louis University in Baguio City and is a Masters degree holder on Business Administration for Top Executive Program from Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Maynila.

Prior to joining San Miguel Logistics, Yayo handled National Transport Operations in Zuellig Pharma Corporation focusing on vendor management, transport and returns operations. Part of her role was the digitization of last mile, route planning and creation of a control tower that provided real time visibility of ground operations and deriving insights through analytics. She was involved in a major project on Static Route Optimization which won for Zuellig Philippines an award from the Asia Pacific region.

This stint was preceded with her 24-year logistics experience at Air21 where she headed operations, culminating in the setup of Philippine gateway operations in Subic Bay as an integral part of Fedex hub in 1994. She was eventually assigned to national operations. With her intensive knowledge of the business, she helped launch, with the IT and Finance, the first logistics command center and business intelligence group in 2013.



Title of Talk


01:50 – 02:00

Welcome Remarks

Shella Mariscal
02:00 – 02:45 Intro of First Speaker Juanito Chan
Logistics:  Evolving with Supply Chain Challenges             Patric Ellis Uy                             Divisional Manager                   Distribution Center Services –Division 2 (DCS2)   LF Philippines Inc. (Lf Logistics)
Q & A Juanito Chan
02:45 – 3:30 Intro of Second Speaker Nestley Sore
Value of Digitization in the Supply Chain and the Role of Logistics in Surviving Covid-19 Gloria Estabaya 

         National Operations Head                 San Miguel Integrated     Logistics Services Inc.

Q & A Nestley Sore


• Participants who register and pay will be given the Zoom details of the conference. All sessions will be recorded and will be made available to registered participants.
• Registration fee is waived for active ORSP MEMBERS provided they register by May 31, 2021.
• Other Registration fees: Non Member/Student PhP 100


• Payment may be deposited directly to BDO Account No. 00151 0028 666 under the name of Operations Research Society of the Philippines, Inc. (please do not abbreviate). Please send proof of payment with your registration form.
• If you are an ORSP member, make sure your membership fees are paid for the year.
• Payments may also be made by GCash to 0917 863 4196
• You may choose to apply for/renew your membership to avail of the member rates.
Contact Jenny Alzate, 83531977, mobile 0927 877 5219; e-mail secretariat@orsp.org.ph for any inquiries.
• Certificates of attendance shall be given upon request.

E. Del Rosario Bestowed IFORS Fellow Award

The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) to which the ORSP belongs announced the launching of the IFORS Fellows Award last January 15, 2021. Elise del Rosario of ORSP was included in the first set of awardees. According to the award letter issued by IFORS President Grazia Speranza, the award is a recognition of her “dedicated efforts over the years to help IFORS promote the development of OR worldwide, both in methodology and practice and to link member societies together.  

Del Rosario joins 19 others (https://www.ifors.org/ifors-fellows/) in the list of which she is the only woman and Asian.  She was IFORS President from 2007 to 2009. She is one of the founding Presidents of ORSP, at the time that she was head of the Operations Research Group of San Miguel Corporation, from where she retired at its Vice President. It will be recalled that the San Miguel Corporation was awarded the 1992 Operations Research Society of America Prize for its sustained and consistent use of OR in organizational decision-making.

Founded in 1955, IFORS is the only global organization in the field of OR and counts some 54 OR national societies with over 30,000 individual members. E. del Rosario is a graduate of BS Industrial Engineering from UP Diliman, Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Asian Institute of Technology and was an International Fellow at the Stanford Research Institute. 

March 2021 Online Technical Forum Series: OR: Helping Respond to the Pandemic

First Quarterly ORSP Forum Shows OR Approaches in Responding to the Pandemic

ORSP launched its first quarterly online technical forum for 2021 with its first in the series on the theme OR: Helping Respond to the Pandemic.
The two-hour forum was opened by ORSP Executive Director Elise del Rosario who introduced ORSP President Marie Shella Mariscal, Operations Research Manager of the San Miguel Corporation. Her welcome remarks highlighted how the Covid 19 has impacted all aspects of life and the economy and the relevance of OR in all these experiences, as will be shown in the two talks for the day.
ORSP Board member Dennis Cruz introduced Dr. Charlle Sy who is an associate professor and research fellow in the Department of Industrial Engineering of De La Salle University. She in turn, introduced co-presenter Dr. Dr John Frederick Tapia who is an associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering of De La Salle University. 

Their paper on An Optimization Approach to the Allocation of Covid-19 Vaccines tries to address how to allocate a limited amount of vaccines specially in the initial roll out that will minimize reinfection rates. She discussed how initially, an LP model to do this was developed that minimizes the sum of fatality rates among the various age groups. The output, however, showed that reinfection rates did not improve appreciably with this approach. They developed a second model that minimizes reinfection rates with the use of eigenvalues. This resulted in a nonlinear programming model which minimizes the reproduction rate of the virus. The reproduction rate represents the expected number of secondary infections generated by an infectious individual. As designed, the model could handle multiple vaccines with different levels of efficacy. A hypothetical case study illustrates the computational capability of the model. Furthermore, the group of Dr. Tapia has developed a Python-based software to aid in model deployment.

The series of questions posed by the audience moderated by D. Cruz showed the high level of audience interest in the research and suggestions on possible improvements with the use of actual data were mentioned.

The second speaker was introduced by ORSP Board member Nestley Sore – Vic Reventar is himself an ORSP Board member and a Lecturer at the Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Technology Department at the John Gokongwei School of Management at the Ateneo de Manila University who has done extensive consulting work in various areas of Operations Research, one of which concerns his talk, the COVID 19 and its Effects on Supply Chains in the Philippines.

The immediate Philippine government measure to mitigate the pandemic, Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), limited the mobility of people and minimized “contact-rate” through social distancing. These resulted not only in income reduction for most employees but also unintended effects on the manufacturing and agricultural sectors and their distribution systems. These consequences were fully visualized in the system dynamics and agent-based modeling simulation models of the Covid 19 and supply chain presented by the speaker.

V. Reventar pointed out that the model clearly illustrates that systems are interlinked and that policy decisions affect a major segment of society. This kind of analysis will be useful in evaluating the most effective way of addressing disruptions in the local supply chains which include such measures as increasing production and inventory capacities, repositioning inventories in certain regions or facilities under quarantine, and others. He pointed out that any disruption affecting any segment in the supply chain affects the integrity of the whole chain and the time-to-recover from such a disruption.

He ended by recommending that the government policy effort in managing the effects of COVID-19 must consider the flow of goods and services with the use of the simulation models presented. Again, the questions at the end acknowledged the power that this modeling could potentially offer to the current situation.

It could be said that the136 participants from UST, UP Los Baños, Holy Angel University, De La Salle Lipa, Quezon City Polytechnic University, Batangas State University – Alangilan, Asia Pacific College, Adamson University, San Miguel Corporation, Phil Batteries Inc., and CSIRO (Australia) left the zoom meeting with an added perspective of how OR tools could aid national policy.

Bain & Company is hiring an OR Manager for its team in Manila


We are proud to be consistently recognized as one of the world’s best places to work, a champion of diversity and a model of social responsibility. We are currently ranked the #1 consulting firm on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work list, and we have maintained a spot in the top four on Glassdoor’s list for the last 12 years. We believe that diversity, inclusion and collaboration is key to building extraordinary teams. We hire people with exceptional talents, abilities and potential, then create an environment where you can become the best version of yourself and thrive both professionally and personally. We are publicly recognized by external parties such as Fortune, Vault, Mogul, Working Mother, Glassdoor and the Human Rights Campaign for being a great place to work for diversity and inclusion, women, LGBTQ and parents.


This is an opportunity to be a key member of Bain’s expanding advanced analytics capability area. This position will be part of the Advanced Analytics Group (Bain’s team of advanced analytics experts). The role will involve advising on the application of optimization, planning, simulation, and forecasting to solve clients’ challenges; leading the implementation of Management Science / Operations Research techniques within the Advanced Analytics Group; and coaching client-facing consultants on implementation, interpretation, and communication of solutions. Applications will be broad and global including supply chain and logistics, inventory and resource planning, manufacturing and retail, network and service operations, and marketing and sales.


• Apply best practice optimization, simulation, prescriptive analytics and statistical techniques to management and operations problems
• Work with Bain consultants and Advanced Analytics experts to clarify and define business objectives and identify practical value-added analytics solutions
• Translate business problems into practical solutions for optimization, simulation and statistical analysis. Develop data requirements and analytics plan to fit time, tool and budget considerations.
• Formulate mathematical optimization, statistical and/or simulation models including: establish the appropriate framework, define objectives and constraints, set constants and variables, evaluate and set assumptions, define stochastic processes, determine alternatives and decision factors.
• Implement, evaluate and validate algorithms, optimization and simulation models, and statistical processes
• Identify and communicate insights; model processes and functions; limitations and risks. Assist client-facing consultants in developing recommendations.
• Advise or build visualization and decision support tools to facilitate use of algorithms by clients in day to day and strategic decisions after Bain projects end
• Train and coach consultants on basic optimization, statistical, and simulation procedures. Assist in knowledge transfer and deployment with end-clients.
• Train and coach other AAG colleagues on skills, processes and tools required so support OR, Optimization, Simulation, and Forecasting related work
• Stay abreast of developments in the field and continue to advance Bain capabilities to serve clients. Identify trends in Data Science and Digital that will impact Bain and AAG work and help bring those perspectives to the AAG team and Practice leaders
• Communicate with and educate both senior and junior colleagues to further embed management science and operations analytics across the firm


• Excellent oral and written communication skills
• Fluent in English.  Mandarin a plus
• Strong skills in scoping, problem definition and problem solving under time constraints
• Master’s degree or higher in a related discipline such as Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, quantitative Management Science, Statistics, Mathematics, or Computer Science (or equivalent work experience)
• Familiarity with a variety of operations analytics applications including  supply chain and logistics, inventory and resource planning, manufacturing and retail, network and service operations, and marketing and sales
• Expertise in Optimization techniques, languages, and experience in formulating and implementing optimization solvers, linear, integer, non-linear. Able to reformulate complex problems into more tractable solutions, including use of heuristic algorithms. Familiar with advanced optimization packages (e.g. Gurobi, CPLEX) and modelling languages (e.g., Gurobi-py, PYOMO, AMPL).
• Strong skills in data engineering (e.g. SQL, R, Python)
• Familiarity with dynamic, discrete event, and stochastic simulation methods and languages
• Must thrive in a fast paced environment and be able to work independently
• Up to 50% travel required
• Location: Manila

Ideal candidates will also have experience in:

• Expertise in statistical modelling, data science and machine learning applications.
• Experience in risk modelling and building decision support tools
• Strong skills in multi-dimensional modelling and enterprise, ERP/MRP databases, e.g. Hyperion, Oracle, SAP, EPC, etc.
• Experience with advanced simulation modelling and tools. May include Excel-based modelling applications and simulation/solver add-in solutions, e.g. Oracle Crystal Ball and Optquest, Lindo What’s Best, or Frontline Solvers (optional). May include simulation/optimization tools and languages eg. SAS/OR, Lindo, AIMMS, AnyLogic. Optional experience with application specific software e.g. Llamasoft (supply chain) or Terralign (Sales Territory)


Bain & Company is a global consultancy that helps the world’s most ambitious change makers define the future.

Across 59 offices in 37 countries, we work alongside our clients as one team with a shared ambition to achieve extraordinary results, outperform the competition and redefine industries. We complement our tailored, integrated expertise with a vibrant ecosystem of digital innovators to deliver better, faster and more enduring outcomes. Our 10-year commitment to invest over $1 billion in pro bono services brings our talent, expertise and insight to organizations tackling today’s urgent challenges in education, racial equity and social justice, economic development and the environment. Since our founding in 1973, we have measured our success by the success of our clients, and we proudly maintain the highest level of client advocacy in the industry.

Those interested may follow the link below.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2427441364/

Direct Bain: https://social.icims.com/viewjob/pl1615852536496bff51

2021 Online Technical Forum Series: OR: Helping Respond to the Pandemic

Date: March 15, 2021 / 2pm – 3:30pm via Zoom


Charlle Sy
An Optimization Approach to the Allocation of Covid-19 Vaccines 

The global scientific community has been successful in their efforts to develop, test, and commercialize vaccines for COVID-19. However, the limited supply of these vaccines remains to be an overarching problem as different nations have started their respective vaccine rollouts. Policymakers continue to deal with the difficult task of determining how to allocate them. This talk will present how the use of mathematical models can provide valuable decision support under such conditions.

A nonlinear programming (NLP) model has been developed to determine the optimal allocation of COVID-19 vaccines that minimizes the reproduction rate of the virus. The reproduction rate represents the expected number of secondary infections generated by an infectious individual. The model is capable of handling multiple vaccines with different levels of efficacy. Consequently, the distribution of vaccines reduces transmission and relative infectiousness of individuals across different age groups. A hypothetical case study is solved to illustrate the computational capability of the model, which can generate an allocation plan with outcomes that are superior to simple ad hoc allocation. Furthermore, a user interface has also been developed to aid in the deployment of the model.

About the speaker:
Charlle Sy is an associate professor and research fellow in the Department of Industrial Engineering of De La Salle University. She earned her B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the same university. Meanwhile, she obtained her PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the National University of Singapore. Her research interests are on robust optimization, systems thinking, and their applications to energy networks, supply chains, and environment systems.

Vicente Reventar
COVID 19 and its Effects on Supply Chains in the Philippines

The Philippines has learned to be resilient in times of disasters (typhoons, massive floods, even earthquakes, and volcano eruptions) but nothing prepared the country for the effects of this COVID-19 global pandemic. Most disasters involve disruptions, and in the case of local typhoons and massive floods, we have at least 2-5 days lead-time to prepare since most given a global weather tracking system that monitors weather disturbances in real-time. Forecasting has been very accurate with the infrastructure set up by PAGASA to provide possible trajectories of the typhoons giving disaster agencies (including local government units and the DSWD reliant on local producers and their supply chains for relief goods) sufficient time to prepare for a quick response via pre-positioning of relief items.

This pandemic caught everyone by surprise. The national government never took the threat seriously until infected cases began showing its dangerous “exponential” growth. Although we have disaster management agencies, there are geared toward a different type of disaster, not for a possible widespread health-bound disaster. Because of COVID-19, the immediate reaction of the Philippine government was to implement an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) designed to limit the mobility of people by restricting them through a “stay-at-home” directive and thus minimizing the “contact-rate” of people through social distancing.

These 2 directives were aimed at “flattening” the exponential curve till newly infected people daily
decreased progressively to acceptable levels. These policy directives which are still in effect right now had several “unintended consequences.” Private and government agencies are forced to shut down except for a very few exceptions. This resulted in the impairment of incomes for most employees. The shutdown also affected the manufacturing and the agricultural sector and its distribution systems. Most of our supplies today are current inventories of goods before the declaration of the ECQ. One could only speculate how long these inventories will last. Most local companies have designed a “lean” and JIT (just-in-time) supply chain to minimize the handling and carrying cost of inventories.

Although suppliers may still have inventories and “safety stocks” the local logistic companies are having a difficult time in moving the finished goods and raw materials because of strict protocols in the checkpoints all around Luzon and the other areas in the Philippines. We also have to contend with perishable goods like vegetables and seafood that have limited shelf life even with refrigeration.

This talk discusses several simulation models (COVID-19 models, supply chain models, both using system dynamics and agent-based modeling). These models try to “approximate” reality but in the end, the basic insight and “take away” is that all these systems are interlinked, and we should recognize these “tightly-coupled” interdependencies whenever we make policy decisions that could affect a major segment of society.

An example of this policy decision is the government policy which imposed the ECQ, the government will probably decide at some point to lift (partially?) the restrictions allowing the flow of goods and services, and for employees in critical sectors (health, manufacturing, agricultural and transport sectors) to go back to work. The objectives are the replenishment of critical inventories and creating money flow in the system to provide relief to consumers wanting to buy basic goods. We all know that lifting the ECQ on the other hand, does come with a risk that the infection rates might go up again, putting the general population at peril. This may really qualify as a “vicious” problem.

What can we do today and in the future to “immunize” our local supply chains in cases of partial disruptions? Most supply chain experts recommend reconfiguring the current supply chains by increasing production and inventory capacities. Other recommendations also include repositioning some inventories in certain regions or facilities under quarantine. Any segment in the supply chain (plant, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, “last-mile” -customer) will be subjected to disruptions affecting the integrity of the whole chain. The critical issue is the ability of individual “segments” time-to-recover when a disruption occurs. Ensuring a “fast” time-to recover will go a long way in ensuring the performance of the supply chain.

Two supply chain organizations namely the Supply Chain Management Association of the Philippines (SCMAP) and, Philippine Institute of Supply Management. It is recommended that they be part of any government policy effort in managing the effects of COVID-19 in the flow of goods and services.

About the speaker:
Vicente Reventar is currently Lecturer at the Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Technology Department at the John Gokongwei School of Management at the Ateneo de Manila University. A current Board Member and former ORSP President, he served as President of SVI Technologies, Sr. Vice President of the Home Development Mutual Fund, Project Director of the Technology Resource Center of the Development Academy of the Philippines. He has done extensive consulting work in various areas of Operations Research.


Time Title of Talk Speaker
01:50 – 02:00 Welcome Remarks  Shella Mariscal 
02:00 – 02:45 Intro of First Speaker  Dennis Cruz 
An Optimization Approach to the Allocation of Covid-19 Vaccines 

Charlle Sy
Associate Professor
De La Salle University 

Q & A  Dennis Cruz 
02:45 – 3:30  Intro of Second Speaker Nestley Sore 
COVID 19 and its Effects on Supply Chains in the Philippines Vicente Reventar 
Ateneo de Manila University 
Q & A  Nestley Sore 


• Participants who register and pay will be given the Zoom details of the conference. All sessions will
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Registration fee is waived for active ORSP MEMBERS provided they register by March 10,2021.
• Other Registration fees: Non Member/Student PhP 100


• Payment may be deposited directly to BDO Account No. 00151 0028 666 under the name of Operations Research Society of the Philippines, Inc. (please do not abbreviate). Please send proof of payment with your registration form.
• If you are an ORSP member, make sure your membership fees are paid for the year.
• Payments may also be made by GCash to 0917 863 4196
• You may choose to apply for/renew your membership to avail of the member rates.
Contact Jenny Alzate, 83531977, mobile 0927 877 5219; e-mail secretariat@orsp.org.ph for any inquiries.
• Certificates of attendance shall be given upon request.