Date: November 24, 2017
Venue: Eastwood Richmonde Hotel, Eastwood, Quezon City
*** This conference is endorsed by The Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED)***
CHED Endorsement Letter
With the theme Sustaining the Environment through OR, the conference seeks to bring together OR researchers, academicians and practitioners, whose collective work has sustained continuing OR contribution to decision- making especially in the area of environmental sustainability.
The 2017 National Conference aims to provide a forum where:
– Practitioners will share their experiences on the problems, methodologies and outcomes of applying OR to solve real-world problems in the Philippines;
– Decision-makers will share new applications of OR in non-traditional areas;
– Researchers will present their findings dealing with the theoretical, computational, and application aspects of OR;
– OR workers will discuss pertinent academic, theoretical and application oriented issues;
– Decision-makers could gain insights from experiences of others who have benefited from the use of OR in the public and private sectors; and
– Everyone will be given the opportunity to exchange ideas on how environment issues can be addressed through the use of OR.
Keynote and Invited Speakers
Hon. Fortunato T. Dela Pena
Department of Science and Technology
“The Role of Science & Technology in Environmental Sustainability”
Dr. Kathleen Aviso
Assistant Dean
Research and Advanced Studies
De La Salle University
– Gokongwei College of Engineering
“Engineering a Sustainable Future through Process Systems Engineering”
Dr. Michael Angelo Promentilla
Chemical Engineering Department
De La Salle University
– Gokongwei College of Engineering
“Proposing an Operations Research Toolbox to Resolve Problematic Situation in Energy and the Environment”
Conference Topics
Submissions of papers aligned with the Conference Theme in the following areas are welcome:
Banking and Finance, Mathematical Programming, Corporate Strategies, Modeling, Decision Support Systems, Management Information Systems, Distribution Management, Marketing, Energy, Production Planning, Engineering Production Control, Expert Systems, Project Management, Financial Investment, Queuing, Forecasting System Dynamics, Health and Welfare Services, Transportation, Inventory Control, Innovation/Knowledge Economy, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Complexity Theory, Soft Methodologies,Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. Guidelines for abstract submission follow.
Abstract Submission
The abstract should be typed in English, should not include mathematical notations, and must contain the following:
– Paper/proposal title;
– Abstract of not more than 200 words;
– Author(s) name(s), organization, full mailing address, email address, with an indication of author(s) presenting the paper; and
– Topic (at most three, chosen from the Conference Topics List) under which paper falls and additional topics if not included in the list
Email to or to the ORSP secretariat at
Program Schedule
07:30 |
Registration |
13:30 |
Parallel Paper |
08:30 |
Welcome |
15:00 |
Break |
08:45 |
Plenary Presentations |
15:15 |
Parallel Paper |
10:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00 |
Closing |
10:15 |
Plenary Presentations |
12:00 |
Business Meeting |
Lunch |
Important Dates
Deadline for abstract submission: October 30, 2017
Notification of acceptance: November 03, 2017
Deadline for early registration and author registration for inclusion in the abstract book: November 10, 2017
ORSP Member
Early Registration |
Regular |
Student |
Foreign Participant |
US $ 150

Reservation/ Payment Methods:
1. Payment may be deposited directly to BDO Account No. 00151 0028 666 under the name of Operations Research Society of the Philippines, Inc. (please do not abbreviate). Please fax or email your deposit slip with your registration form.
2. You may also issue a crossed check payable to the Operations Research Society of the Philippines , Inc. (please do not abbreviate) and bring or mail to the office address below. Your receipts will be ready for pick up during the conference at the latest.
3. You may choose to apply for/renew your membership to avail of the member rates. Contact Jenny Alzate, telefax 02 439 9496; mobile 0927 877 5219; e-mail for any inquiries.
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